Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Museum Box Finished

The kids experimented, had fun, got frustrated, and created their biographies of a Civil War person through Museum Box. The following link will take you to Keystone's links.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Museum Box

The students are experimenting with a new site right now. It is called Museum Box. They are learning how to research bibliographic information on a person, specifically from the Civil War. They will use Museum Box to create a final project. Next week I will link their projects to the site.


Thursday, November 17, 2011


We had a great day at the LinguiSHTIKS tournament yesterday. Cranberry Elementary provided a great place to meet and a great breakfast. Way to go CC for her undefeated status in the 3/4th grade level!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Open House

Welcome to the 2011 Open House. The students have finished a few projects and creative designs. You will be able to check out the games we use during competitions. Feel free to ask questions about the program.

Chess Tournament

Today we had a great time at the Chess Tournament. Eight schools came to Keystone to compete. Everyone played well and even impressed themselves with how well they did. Chess seems to be a favorite game among GEM students so they are sad the tournament is over. We will sporadically continue to play throughout the year, though.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A New School Year

The summer has come to an end and the new year has begun. Hopefully your child was ready and excited to start the school year. The teachers of gifted students will soon be meeting to discuss and schedule the unit of study, competitions, and field trips. You will be notified of these dates after they are decided. As always, please let me know if you have questions or concerns. I'm sure this will be a great year!
Mrs. Gorog

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

End of Year

The end of the school year has arrived. I hope everyone had a good year and heads into summer knowing they had a successful year. Congratulations and good luck to the 6th graders who are heading off to the Jr. High school. Best of luck to those students who will be moving away in the near future. I wish you all the best.

Please keep reading, practicing math facts, and making your brain work. Do fun activities outside and have a great summer!!

Mrs. Gorog

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


To my parents, I apologize for all the confusion. Boy, our fields trips this year have been crazy. The Spelling Bee is at the Clarion Mall on February 9th. We will be going to Union High School for Equations. Let's hope these events go as scheduled. Next month we have a few more events scheduled. Keep an eye out for details.